Going Deep Update Rust
Aug 13, 2021
About the game
Facepunch Studios
Facepunch Studios
Dec 11, 2013
Adventure, Open-World, Survival
Mac OS X, Windows, Xbox One, Playstation 4
Underwater labs, submarines, torpedoes, fishing, sharks, spear guns, updated underwater atmosphere and much more!
Going Deep Update
With this update comes new underwater labs, which are located at the bottom of the sea in different sizes and shapes with two entrances. They could be entered with the help of a so-called "moon pool" by surfacing the submarine. Various puzzles await there. With the help of cameras in the labs, the exploration tour can be planned in advance. With the help of the revised map and various microphones, you can gain an insight into each floor and deliver various commands. In the labs you can listen to music with your friends, prepare a meal and compete with various NPCs.
Especially new in this update are submarines, which are now available for purchase in the boat stores of the fishing villages. These submarines have space for up to two people, as well as various instruments to explore the underwater environment and an external fuel access . There is also another submarine that has capacity for only one person, external fuel access and no instruments. Both submarines can also fire two different torpedoes, which can also be purchased or manufactured.
The handmade fishing rod is now fully functional and ready for use! To do this, simply select a bait and you're ready to fish. Once a fish has bitten, you must reel it in and tire the fish by swinging the rod to the right and left. While doing this, you also have to make sure that you don't strain the line too much, otherwise it can break, causing the fish to escape again. Eight fish have been added to the game
Underwater world
There are also some changes in the underwater world, including, for example, an improvement in visibility, as well as darkening as soon as you dive a little deeper. Swimming goggles prevent you from going blind when you dive, while the overlay has also been adjusted here, making the use of swimming goggles less distracting. In addition to the technical adjustments in the underwater world, some innovations have also been added to the gameplay. Now you can also encounter a shark underwater, which leads a patrol and must be defeated if you want to loot treasures. Since a melee weapon is rather unsuitable for attack or defense, this update also introduces a harpoon. This can be made by yourself and works similar to a crossbow.
All in all, you can look forward to the update, which will turn the underwater world in particular into a whole new gaming experience!