Everything about the upcoming Minecraft movie: release and details
The highly anticipated Minecraft film, based on the globally successful game, will finally be released in cinemas on April 4, 2025.
Anyone who wants to spend time with friends or a community on a Minecraft server has to rent one themselves to have full control. We at Gameservercheck have compared the best offers for you. You can sort our table freely, for example by hoster score or by price - your choice!
What are you waiting for? Rent your Minecraft server!
Linux, Windows, Mac OS X
May 17, 2009
Adventure, Open-World, Survival, Sandbox
With our experience in the game server market, we bring you first-class Minecraft hosting - stable, fast and simple. Get a 20% discount now and see gschost.com for yourself! 💥
The highly anticipated Minecraft film, based on the globally successful game, will finally be released in cinemas on April 4, 2025.
On December 3, 2024, the eagerly awaited update The Garden Awakens for Minecraft was released.
On December 3, 2024, the time has finally come: The new Minecraft update The Garden Awakens will be released!
With the new haunted house update, Minecraft provides a spooky surprise just in time for Halloween. Discover spooky secrets, new creatures and exclusive Halloween items - ideal for anyone who's caught the spooky bug!
Hey, Minecraft fans! The excitement is building as the long-awaited update 1.21 is just around the corner! Starting June 13, 2024, you can look forward to a wealth of exciting new content that will take your Minecraft experience to a whole new level.
Spring is here and with it a very special event for all Minecraft fans! GPORTAL invites you to celebrate spring with a spectacular Minecraft event featuring a huge server sale and exciting competitions
The Minecraft 1.20 update brings a wealth of new features to your world. There are new blocks, tools and new creatures.
The next big Minecraft update is already starting to get underway - and it's going to be wild!
Now, finally, the much-awaited update 1.18 Caves and Cliffs has been released, the supplement to update 1.17 from June 2021.
At the Minecraft Live 2021 on 16.10.2021 some news were announced again. We have compiled the most notable updates for you.
Minecraft Classic is the name of the first game variant that was released at that time. This included the creative mode, for example.
Since the announcement a few months ago, Minecraft fans have been waiting for the second part of the Caves & Cliffs update.
The second part of the Caves & Cliffs update is scheduled to arrive at the end of 2021! What can we expect and is the update worth it?
Finally, the time has come. Minecraft fans have been waiting for it for a long time and are currently eagerly awaiting June 8, 2021. No wonder, because the developer Mojang has announced this date for "Caves & Cliffs Part 1".
Minecraft is a so-called indie game developed by Swedish programmer Markus "Notch" Persson and acquired by Microsoft in 2014. There is an open world that players can design, modify and decorate mainly with square blocks. There is actually no real goal in Minecraft, which is also a reason for the game's success. Thus, you can build your own house, collect resources, plant trees, tame animals or use them for consumption if food is needed, fight against enemies and create worlds through many individual extensions and special features that you wouldn't expect at first glance. The simplicity of the game principle to remove blocks with the hand or to place them makes the entry into the game very easy. In addition, there are no opponents in creative mode, so you can create your own little world without any dangers. Theoretically, anyone can build a house with just a few clicks. Through the various resources and the connection of these, the game develops a certain complexity, with which circuits and even your own machines are possible.Minecraft enjoys great popularity especially among Let's Players and their viewers. There, you can admire the buildings and constructions and at the same time talk about various things in a relaxed manner, while in an action game you can easily get distracted from the actual speaker. The multiplayer also ensures that you can share your buildings with friends or even create and share your own world with them. In the meantime, Minecraft has conquered many areas outside the PC gaming world as well. It used to be available only for the computer, but now you can also play it on the Xbox, Playstation, Wii U, and even mobile, although the latter version has some limitations compared to the other platforms. In some educational institutions, the game is now also used for learning, since it follows a very logical and simple principle. In one school in Sweden, Minecraft is even a compulsory subject. The developer company Mojang also hosts Minecon every year as a festival for fans, which is also very popular with the community.
Anyone who wants to spend time on a Minecraft server with friends or a community has to rent one themselves in order to have full control. We at Gameservercheck have compared the best offers for you. You can sort our table freely, for example by hoster score or by price - your choice!
Anyone who has studied the game a bit will realize that Minecraft alone is only half as much fun as playing it together with friends. Often, you then decide to create your own server with a small group, where you meet and create the environment together. However, you should consider a few things, so that the dream of your own server does not become a nightmare.
The most important question must be clarified right at the beginning: What is the goal of the server? Do you only want to play together in a small group or do you want a community to develop on it? Do you need mod packs and do you want to make your own administrative changes to the game? With how many players do you regularly enter the server? Depending on how you answer the questions, there are different approaches. If you only want to play on a server in a small group without making major changes, you can skip the lines to the next point. If you want to build a community, you should definitely plan some time, must have some knowledge of English and deal intensively with your server. The structure and the maintenance are the most important points. You will get to know different mods, you will have to acquire some programming knowledge via Google and Youtube and of course you will have to deal with the problems of the players on your server.
Some of you may have had the idea of setting up a server yourself, which admittedly isn't even that complicated in Minecraft. Often you try this with your own computer, then realize that playing with a colleague is quite nice and would like to do it permanently. The only problem is that the computer would theoretically have to be running whenever the friend wants to play, even if you're not at home. You could set up a computer specifically for this purpose, but it would have to have good hardware, run permanently and would put a permanent load on your own Internet line. It is possible in itself, but usually even renting a server is cheaper compared to the purchase and electricity costs. So renting a server should be the way to go for most.
When renting a server, you should ask yourself two important questions. How much freedom do I want to have with my server and how much do I know about servers myself? The cheapest option would probably be to have your own virtual server on which you install the game and then access it. The problem is that you should have some Linux and programming knowledge to get familiar with such a server, and you have to set up a web interface and similar things yourself. The other alternative is to rent a Minecraft server directly, where the provider takes care of the basic installation, so that you only have to take care of the small details yourself. However, you should also pay attention to how much free space the landlord provides you with. You often get access to the admin files and can thus install certain mods that slightly change Minecraft. So you should definitely make sure yourself that all your wishes and ideas are implemented. If in doubt, contact the support of the provider before buying.
The first keywords when renting a server are the number of slots, ram, CPU, bukkit and web interface. You should pay attention to all these points when renting a server. The number of slots depends on your own preferences. If you only want to play with a few players, a small number is enough, if you want to build up a real community, you will probably need much more space. The amount of RAM and CPU needed depends again on your goals. If you want to play with many players and only a few plugins, you should pay attention to more ram. Many plugins and few players have a particular effect on the CPU. Roughly you can say that 1 player needs 100 Ram, unless you use too many plugins. A Bukkit server allows you to install your own plugins, whereas a vanilla server does not. So if you just want to play with friends, the vanilla version is enough, but if you want to have certain plugins like WorldEdit, WorldGuard (that certain things can't be torn down) or a dynamic map, then you can't avoid a Bukkit version. Alternatively, there is now also Spigot, which has about the same features as Bukkit, but is not used by many direct Minecraft server providers so. However, this is definitely an alternative for your own V-Server. As far as the web interface is concerned, a lot also depends on the provider. Mostly you already get a prefabricated version, but if you want to set up your own V-Server, you have to get one of your own so that you can access the server from the browser. There are different versions (free and paid) and usually also a corresponding manual. Very well known and popular are McMyAdmin, SpaceBukkit or Multicraft. If you get a prefabricated version, you should make sure that it includes a realtime view, a world manager and a display for the consumption of CPU and RAM. If you choose a direct Minecraft server, there are often offers that include a website, a Teamspeak server and other bonuses. However, this is often more expensive or includes things that you don't need. Why should you set up a website if you only want to play with a few friends? Therefore, make sure that you only rent the things that you really need. We have already pointed out at the very beginning that the right concept of the server makes a lot of difference when buying it. Last but not least, you should always make sure that there is regular support from the provider, that the servers get regular updates and of course backups should be made regularly. Nothing would be worse than losing days of work because of a crash.
Mod packs contain a number of changes to the game in a package, which address a specific type or enable various mini-games. For example, you can replay the famous Hunger Games, perform the so-called Bedwars or solve certain puzzles from other players. To install such mod packs on your server, you need either Bukkit or Spigot. If you are interested in Minecraft, then grab your fellow gamers, look for the best game server and get started with setting the first blocks. Perfect for your Minecraft server, you can also compare Teamspeak 3 servers here to communicate with your colleagues in the best way.