Upcoming DayZ News
Jul 27, 2021
About the game
Bohemia Interactive
Bohemia Interactive
Dec 13, 2013
Adventure, Open-World, Survival
Xbox One, Windows, Playstation 4
To learn about DayZ's plans for 2021 and what will be new, check out this post!
For the year 2021 the developers of Bohemia Interactive have announced some updates for DayZ. Here you can find an overview of the things that will be updated in 2021.
What will be new?
As in previous years, new weapons will be added to the game this year. This has already started with the SVAL rifle, and more will follow. In addition, the damage system for close combat will be rebalanced, especially against infected people. This can specifically manifest itself in the fact that a silent approach could end in a 'stealth kill'. Also, it will be added that PvP encounters will end more often with an unconscious state instead of a direct death.
Another focus is on better reactions from the AI infected, which should happen by balancing old and also new noise sources. This could be implemented by opening a door or when turning on the lights.
The environment is also supposed to bring a new danger - this applies to both maps Livionia and Chernarus. However, further details about this are not known.
Also planned is an improvement of the player feedback about the character's status. This concerns bleeding, hunger and thirst, which will be conveyed through various effects. The spawn menu in the game will also be revised.
To strengthen the community are special seasonal events, which will receive more attention in the future. This is also reflected in the fact that mod developers and server operators will continue to be supported with full force.
These planned changes are to be spread over the year in four major updates. In addition, regular server wipes can be expected to bring more variety into the game.