V-Rising - about bloodsuckers and building castles
May 12, 2022
About the game
Stunlock Studios
Stunlock Studios
May 17, 2022
Adventure, Open-World, Survival
Vampires were all the rage a few years ago thanks to the glittery vampires from Twilight and the like. Now that the hype has died down somewhat, the bloodsuckers are celebrating a comeback, at least on Steam. The open world vampire survival game V-Rising was released in mid-May 2022.
Survival - only in reverse
The storyline of V-Rising is actually quite simple. You take on the role of an old (very old) vampire, but not one of the nice glittering kind. You wake up centuries later after the vampires have been defeated in an epic battle with the help of light and are understandably very angry and very hungry. So it's off to the next village to decimate the population there. One problem remains, however: sunlight is deadly for vampires. The whole thing takes place on the beautifully designed continent of Vadoran, which consists of four regions: the Silverlight Hills (which live up to their name), the Farbane Woods, the Dunley Farmlands (where humans live, i.e. your food) and, last but not least, the Cursed Forest.
The humans have a good reason to be angry with the vampires. For centuries, bloodsuckers and humans lived in peaceful coexistence. The cities grew and prospered and the vampires only really fed when they needed to. But then Dracula, the chief vampire, appeared and the harmony was over. He not only practiced blood magic, but also brought all kinds of monsters into the previously peaceful world. The vampires did not want to take this lying down and declared war on the boss without further ado. In order to keep up, however, a few more humans had to serve as blood donors, which they in turn didn't think was so great. With the help of divine power, both Dracula and the vampires were defeated.
Suck blood - build castles
So now you've woken up and naturally want to regain your old power. To do this, you also need a home base. Either alone or in co-op mode, you now set out to collect resources for your new dwelling. Not only will you have to watch out for unfriendly monsters, but also for the sunlight. There will be 50 castles per server. We can unlock new furnishings for our not-so-modest hut via recipes. Over the course of (game) time, our estate will naturally grow. We can also have followers work for us. The more powerful we become, the more challenging the areas we can travel to become. We then receive new and powerful items there.
The central element of the game is unsurprisingly blood. On the one hand, there is our blood altar, which we need to keep our crafting tables functional. On the other hand, we need blood to survive. There are different types of blood. Sucking a scholar's blood will earn us more than eating a cow. In addition to building and maintaining our castle, we also invest blood points in our skill tree. We can compete against other players (PvP), but also against bosses (PvE).
Unique gothic setting
What sets V-Rising apart from other games - apart from the fact that you are playing a vampire that you would normally fight - is the beautiful gothic setting. The game was developed by the Swedish indie studio Stunlock. The game is not just for absolute addicts. Even less experienced players will enjoy the game. This is partly due to the chunks. This makes the game world extremely dynamic and is garnished with countless objects with which we can interact. The combat gameplay also leaves you wanting more.