Admin commands for V Rising

V Rising offers a variety of commands to facilitate server management and optimize the gaming experience.

Written on May 8, 2024

These commands cover various areas, including teleportation, social interactions, user interface, accessibility and technical settings. The following article provides a detailed overview of the server admin commands in V Rising.

Teleportation Cheats

Manipulate time and space

Addtime [hours]Adds up to 12 hours to the ingame clock.
TeleportToChunk [Coordinate]Teleports the player to a chunk coordinate.
TeleportToChunkWaypoint Teleports the player to a specific waypoint.

Player teleportation

GatherAllAlliesTeleports allies to the position of the mouse pointer.
GatherAllNonAlliesTeleports all non-allies to the position of the mouse pointer.
GatherAllPlayersTeleports all players to the position of the mouse pointer.
PlayerTeleportTeleports you to the position of your mouse pointer.
TeleportPlayerToMe [username]Teleports another player to your position.
TeleportPlayerToMousePosition [username]Teleports another player to the position of your mouse pointer.
TeleportToPlayer [username]Teleports you to the position of another player.

Health management

Changehealthofclosesttomouse [value]Modifies the health of the target/object closest to the mouse.

Social interactions and player control

Clan and connections

ClanacceptAccepts a clan invitation.
ClandeclineDeclines a clan invitation.
Claninvite [player name]Invites a player to your clan.
ClanleaveLeaves the clan.

Player Management

AdminauthAssigns admin status.
AdmindeauthRevokes admin status.
Bancharacter [character name]Bans a player with this character name from the server.
Banuser [Steam ID]Bans a player with this Steam ID from the server.
Kick [character name]Kicks a player from the server.
Unban [user index]Unban a player.
Listusers [including disconnected]Lists all players on the server.

Server connection

Connect [address or SteamID, port, password]Connects to a server.
DisconnectDisconnects from the server.
ReconnectReconnects to the server.

UI, accessibility and user experience

Customize user interface

Alias [Alias, Command]Creates an alias for a command.
Bind [key combination, command]Creates a new key binding.
ClearDeletes the text from the console.
Hidecursor [Argument]Hides or shows the mouse cursor.
List [optional: category]Lists all console commands.

Language and graphics settings

Localization [Language]Sets the language.
Motionblur [Argument]Switches motion blur on or off.

Technical and debugging commands

These commands are mainly intended for developers and advanced modders and should be used with caution. They include creating debug dumps, managing system performance and enabling/disabling debug views.

Adminonlydebugevents [argument]Activates debug events for admins only.
CreateDebugDumpCreates a debug dump.
ToggleDebugViewCategory [Category]Toggles a debug view category.

The server admin commands in V Rising are extensive and allow for deep control and customization of gameplay. They provide tools for almost any situation, from player management to technical adjustments to personalizing the game experience.

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Stunlock Studios


Stunlock Studios


May 17, 2022


Adventure, Open-World, Survival



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