Keystones at 7 Days to Die

Version 7.10 of the popular survival game 7 Days to Die introduced the option of marking and owning a piece of land using keystones, also known as protection stones.

Written on Mar 25, 2022

What are keystones in 7 Days to Die?

Keystones can be used to take possession of certain parts of a landscape. In practical terms, areas, so-called claims, are marked out. For the owner, this means that blocks within their own claim can be mined more quickly. Other players can enter their own claim and also mine blocks, but this takes considerably longer for them. However, players can be added to a friends list, which gives them full access to their own claim.

The durability of a block is multiplied by 32 for other players in the standard configuration. If you need 10 seconds to mine something on your own claim, you will need 320 seconds on a foreign claim.

What does the keystone / protection stone look like in 7 Days to Die?

The protection stone itself is represented as a metallic block with a flag symbol. It makes a cube visible when you hold it in your hand. The possible size is adjustable. The protection stone then generates several invisible cubes that spread out in all directions and mark the desired claim.

In Survival PvP mode, every new player has a protection stone in their inventory. It is also possible to craft it yourself.

Important: Zombies in the game are kept away from buildings by the protection stones.

How do I activate keystones / protection stones in 7 Days to Die?

Keystones are only active in the SurvivalMP game mode and can be used there.

How do I configure keystones / protection stones in 7 Days to Die?

Connect to server

  1. connect to your 7 Days to Die server via FTP
  2. open the configuration file Serverconfig.xml in the directory /saves/
  3. in the Serverconfig.xml you will find the following setting options. Customize them as you like.
LandClaimCount1Maximum protection stones / player
LandClaimSize41Squares protected by a tile in each direction
LandClaimDeadZone30Distance to the next tile (does not apply to friendly players)
LandClaimExpiryTime3Real-time days players can be offline before the protection stone is inactivated
LandClaimDecayMode0 ; 0=linear, 1=exponential, 2=no durability lossDurability of protection stones / 24 h
LandClaimOnlineDurabilityModifier4 ; 0 = indestructibleDurability of blocks against unfriended players (if player is in the game)
LandClaimOfflineDurabilityModifier4 ; 0 = indestructibleDurability of the blocks against unfriended players (if player is not in the game)
  1. save your changes in the Serverconfig.xml and restart the server
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Dec 13, 2013




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