Minecraft reading desk
The reading desk in Minecraft serves as a work block for librarians, allows books to be read together and emits redstone signals when turning pages.
A reading desk can be made in Minecraft with the following materials:
1x bookshelf - Made from three books and six wooden planks.
4x wooden steps - Any type of wood can be used.
Recipe: Place the bookshelf in the center bottom position of a 3x3 crafting table. Place the four wooden steps above it to craft a reading desk.
The reading desk has various functions in the game:
Working block for Librarians: Villagers take this block to gain the profession "Librarian".
Read & Share Books: Players can place a writable book on it for other players to read at the same time.
Emit Redstone Signal: When a book is turned, the reading desk generates a redstone signal that can be used for mechanisms.
Advantages & Mechanics
Reset villager profession: If you remove the reading desk, a librarian who has not yet been trained loses their profession, allowing new enchantments to be offered.
Multiplayer communication: Ideal for servers or adventure maps to provide information to players together.
Secret Redstone Circuits: Can act as a hidden switch by triggering a redstone signal when turning the page.
Optimize Trading: Replace reading desks to get better enchantments from librarians.
Use Redstone cleverly: Combine the Reading Desk with Redstone components for hidden mechanisms.
Decorative use: Perfect for libraries or reading corners in your home.