Villagers Minecraft

Villagers in Minecraft are NPCs who practise various professions and offer valuable items in exchange for emeralds. They can reproduce, be transformed by zombie infections and optimized through trading systems.

Written on Mar 12, 2025

Professions & work blocks

Villagers can have one of 13 professions, including:

  • Librarian: Sells enchanted books (work block: reading desk)

  • Smith: Offers tools, armor or weapons (work blocks: forge table, blast furnace, grindstone)

  • Farmer: Exchanges food and plants (work block: composter)

  • Mapmaker: Sells cards and banner patterns (work block: card table)

  • Spiritualist: Trades redstone, glowstone and enderpearls (Workblock: Brewstand)

Trading system

Villagers offer goods in exchange for emeralds. Their offers improve over time if they are traded often. They can also grant discount prices if they have been saved from zombie attacks.

Reproduction & Growth

Villagers reproduce when there are enough beds and food available. Babies grow into adults after about 20 minutes.

Special features

  • Zombie villagers: Infected versions that can be cured by a golden apple and a caster with weakening potion.

  • Iron Golem: Created by villagers to protect the village.

  • Bell Interaction: Villagers gather by a bell to protect themselves from threats.


  • Optimize trade: Reduce prices by healing zombie villagers.

  • Secure villagers: Protect them from attacks with fences and lighting.

  • Build your own villages: Use beds and work blocks to create new villages.

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May 17, 2009


Adventure, Open-World, Survival, Sandbox


Linux, Windows, Mac OS X

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